Archaeology - Bell Research
In this section we hope to publish articles on which we have worked and which have been printed in the Ringing World or similar publications. There are also a number of areas of research into bells on which we are working, and any information which could be helpful would be appreciated:

English cast bells in North America
Details are sought of any English cast bells in America cast before 1850. Recent web searches initiated by Geoff Pick of Cannock have revealed many bells, the earliest of which is a Richard Phelps bell of 1731.
There is an article below on the bell at Middleham, Maryland, dated 1699 which appears to have been cast in York, England.
There is now a list of known bells in this category on the America articles page.

George Hedderly in America
In 1793 George, the Nottingham bellfounder, emigrated to America, first to New York and eventually settling in Philadelphia where he set up a bellfoundry. So far a number of bells have been located in a wide area of eastern USA, and any references or bells by him are sought.  See the article in the America section below.
Left: A bell cast by George Hedderly in America for Hillsborough, North Carolina, dated 1805.

Right: The Edwin Hedderly  bell at Doylestown PA, dated 1813, cast in the year of his father George's death.
Edwin Hedderly in America
After George's death in 1813, his son Edwin continued the founding until his premature death in 1821. Again any information is sought on Edwin.

The Bells of Naylor Vickers of Sheffield
In collaboration with Geoff Pick of Cannock, I am compiling a list of all known bells by this founder, with bell numbers where known (see the England articles page). Any data would be gratefully received.


Below are a series of articles that have been researched recently..
To access these documents, click on the relevant link.



The Hillsborough bell now on exhibition
The 1813 bell by Edwin Hedderly. Note the bell badge on the inscription
Church Bells of Nottinghamshire
Part Four will contain a comprehensive history of the Nottingham founders from medieval times to 1793 when the last founder, George Hedderly emigrated to America. Also details of George's career in Philadelphia are given.
Church Bells of Leicestershire
A complete catalogue of the bells in churches in Leicestershire with a comprehensive history of the Leicestershire bellfounders.
Leicester Cathedral tenor, recast in 1937